Page 223 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 223
Mounting Table 11
Position and size of dowel pin holes
SNL plummer (pillow) block housings must be
mounted properly using the appropriate tools J 6
and state of the art mechanical mounting
methods. All the associated components
must also meet certain basic requirements
(† Specifications for shafts and housing sup- N 4
port surfaces on page 45).
Mounting instructions for each housing are 5
provided with the seal pack. For information
about mounting rolling bearings, refer to the
SKF bearing maintenance handbook or
Housing Dimensions
Size J 6 N 4
Torque specifications max
– mm
Cap bolts should be tightened to the torque
values listed in table 7 on page 210. For SNL 3036 SNL 3134 470 20
information about attachment bolts, refer to SNL 3038 SNL 3136 490 20
Attachment bolt recommendations on SNL 3040 SNL 3138 SNL 3234 520 20
page 212. SNL 3236 520 20
SNL 3044 SNL 3140 SNL 3238 560 20
SNL 3048 SNL 3144 SNL 3240 590 20
Pinning or supporting the housing SNL 3052 SNL 3148 SNL 3244 650 20
Some load conditions may require the housing SNL 3056 SNL 3152 SNL 3248 720 20
SNL 3060
SNL 3156
to be pinned to its support surface or a stop
to accommodate loads acting parallel to the SNL 3064 SNL 3160 SNL 3252 770 25
SNL 3256
housing support surface († Additional housing SNL 3068 SNL 3164 SNL 3260 820 25
support, page 204). SNL 3072 820 25
Recommendations for the position and size SNL 3076 SNL 3168 SNL 3264 880 25
of the holes to accommodate dowel pins are SNL 3080 SNL 3172 920 30
provided in table 11. SNL 3084 SNL 3176 SNL 3268 960 30
SNL 3088 SNL 3180 SNL 3272 1 020 35
SNL 3092 SNL 3184 SNL 3276 1 070 35
SNL 3096 1 070 35
SNL 30/500 SNL 3188 SNL 3280 1 120 35
SNL 3192 SNL 3284 1 160 40
SNL 30/530 SNL 3196 SNL 3288 1 210 40