Page 219 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 219
Table 9 Oil lubrication
Recommended dimensions for grease escape holes SNL housings in the 30, 31 and 32 series
can be used in applications where there are
relatively high speeds and the bearings are
lubricated via an oil bath or circulating oil
lubrication system.
The housings must be modified to accom-
modate one of the following oil seals:
• TURT or TURA for oil bath or circulating oil 5
lubrication system († page 198)
• TURP for circulating oil lubrication system
and large axial movements († page 200)
J 7
Recommended oil levels can be found in
J a J a
table 10a, 10b and 10c on page 216–218.
N 3
Housings modified for oil lubrication are
Housing Dimensions not stock items. Check availability prior to
Size J a J 7 N 3 ordering.
– mm
SNL 3036 SNL 3134 105 34 30
SNL 3038 SNL 3136 110 38 30
SNL 3040 SNL 3138 SNL 3234 120 36 30
SNL 3044 SNL 3140 SNL 3236 120 36 30
SNL 3238 120 36 30
SNL 3048 SNL 3144 SNL 3240 130 42 40
SNL 3052 SNL 3148 SNL 3244 145 43 40
SNL 3056 SNL 3152 SNL 3248 150 44 40
SNL 3060 SNL 3156 165 51 40
SNL 3064 SNL 3160 SNL 3252 180 53 40
SNL 3068 SNL 3164 SNL 3256 180 53 40
SNL 3072 SNL 3260 180 53 40
SNL 3076 SNL 3168 SNL 3264 185 51 40
SNL 3080 SNL 3172 220 51 40
SNL 3084 SNL 3176 SNL 3268 220 53 40
SNL 3088 SNL 3180 SNL 3272 230 58 40
SNL 3092 SNL 3184 SNL 3276 260 58 40
SNL 3096 SNL 3188 SNL 3280 260 58 40
SNL 30/500 260 58 40
SNL 30/530 SNL 3192 SNL 3284 280 58 40
SNL 3196 SNL 3288 280 58 40