Page 214 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 214
Split plummer block housings SNL 30, 31 and 32 series
Load carrying capacity of the cap bolts
Approximate values for the yield points for cap
bolts are provided in table 7. The values in
table 7 apply to 8.8 strength cap bolts, which
are supplied with SNL and SNLD housings.
If a safety factor of 6 is used for the permis-
sible load of grey cast iron SNL housings, the
cap bolts do not need to be considered. In this
case, the permissible load of the housing is
less than the permissible load for the cap
Table 7
Load carrying capacity and torque values for cap bolts and attachment bolts
Q 120° Q 150° Q 180°
Housing Cap bolts Attachment bolts
Size Yield point for four bolts Size Tightening Size Tightening
torque torque 1)
Q 120° Q 150° Q 180°
– kN – Nm – Nm
SNL 3036 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥140 350 M 24 665
SNL 3038 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥140 350 M 24 665
SNL 3040 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥150 350 M 24 665
SNL 3044 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥160 350 M 30 1 310
SNL 3048 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥160 350 M 30 1 310
SNL 3052 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥180 400 M 30 1 310
SNL 3056 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥200 400 M 36 2 280
SNL 3060 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥200 400 M 36 2 280
SNL 3064 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥220 400 M 36 2 280
SNL 3068 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥220 400 M 36 2 280
SNL 3072 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥220 400 M 36 2 280
SNL 3076 4 200 2 400 2 100 M 36¥240 600 M 36 2 280
SNL 3080 4 200 2 400 2 100 M 36¥240 600 M 36 2 280
SNL 3084 4 200 2 400 2 100 M 36¥240 600 M 36 2 280
SNL 3088 4 200 2 400 2 100 M 36¥240 600 M 42 3 640
SNL 3092 5 800 3 350 2 900 M 42¥280 850 M 42 3 640
SNL 3096 5 800 3 350 2 900 M 42¥280 850 M 42 3 640
SNL 30/500 5 800 3 350 2 900 M 42¥280 850 M 42 3 640
SNL 30/530 5 800 3 350 2 900 M 42¥320 850 M 48 5 450
SNL 3134 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥140 350 M 24 665
SNL 3136 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥140 350 M 24 665
SNL 3138 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥150 350 M 24 665
SNL 3140 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥160 350 M 30 1 310
SNL 3144 1 800 1 040 900 M 24¥160 350 M 30 1 310
SNL 3148 2 860 1 650 1 430 M 30¥180 400 M 30 1 310
continues on next page
1) Recommended by bolt manufacturers