Page 207 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 207
Design considerations
Design considerations Plain shaft with bearing on an adapter sleeve
Housings, appropriate parts and dimensions
For general information about system design, are listed in product tables 5.1 and 5.2,
refer to the following sections: starting on pages 222 and 260 respectively.
• Typical shaft-bearing combinations Stepped shaft with bearing on a cylindrical seat
(† page 41) Housings, appropriate parts and dimensions
• Locating/non-locating bearing arrangements are listed in product table 5.3, starting on
(† page 40) page 302.
• Load carrying capacity († page 44) The bearing is located axially between a 5
• Axial load carrying capacity for bearings on shaft shoulder and a spacer sleeve, which is
sleeves († page 44) held in place by another component on the
• Specifications for shafts and housing support shaft. The outside diameter of the sleeve must
surfaces († page 45) match the bore diameter of the seal. The
sleeve is not supplied by SKF.
For additional information about rolling bear-
ings and adapter sleeves, refer to the product Stepped shaft with bearing on a withdrawal
information available online at sleeve
When using an SNL housing for this arrange-
ment, the withdrawal sleeve must be located
Typical shaft-bearing combinations axially on the shaft. This can be done using a
SNL housings in the 30, 31 and 32 series can spacer sleeve that is held in place by another
accommodate different shaft-bearing com- component. Using a lock nut can be difficult
binations († fig. 10): because of the limited space in the housing.
The outside diameter of the spacer sleeve
• plain shaft with bearing on an adapter must match the bore diameter of the seal. The
sleeve spacer sleeve is not supplied by SKF.
• stepped shaft with bearing on a cylindrical
• stepped shaft with bearing on a withdrawal
Fig. 10
Plain shaft with bearing on an Stepped shaft with bearing on a Stepped shaft with bearing on a
adapter sleeve cylindrical seat withdrawal sleeve