Page 204 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 204

Split plummer block housings SNL 30, 31 and 32 series

             Using sealed bearings               and are always s upplied together with the
             Using sealed bearings in housings with stand-  SNL … TURP housings are suitable for
             ard seals is a good solution for highly contam-  spherical roller and CARB toroidal roller bear-
             inated environments. The sealed bearing   ings in the 30 and 31 dimension series from
             together with the housing seal and grease   size 3036 to 30/530 and 3134 to 3196.
             provide three layers of protection († SKF
             three-barrier solution, page 39).
               SNL housing seals in the 30, 31 and 32   Custom seals
             series can be used together with sealed, self-  SNL housings in the 30, 31 and 32 series can
             aligning SKF bearings. When using taconite   be equipped with any type of seal that fits the
             heavy-duty seals, a sealed bearing does not   seal groove dimensions in the housing. The
             enhance the sealing effect during operation,   relevant dimensions are provided in tables 3
             but still protects the bearing against contam-  and 4 on pages 201 and 202.
             inants during mounting.               If custom seals are to be used, SKF recom-
                                                 mends ordering housings in the SNL .. G
                                                 series.   Housings in the SNL .. G series have
             Special seals                       larger bores at the front and back of the hous-
                                                 ing and can accommodate a wider choice of
             In addition to the standard seal assortment,   seal designs.
             SNL housings in the 30, 31 and 32 series are
             also available with seals for large axial move-
             ments. Custom seals for special applications
             are also available on request.

             Seals for large axial movements
             Large SNL housings are available with seals
             that can accommodate large axial movements,
             a typical requirement of drying cylinders and
             felt rolls in paper machines. The double laby-
             rinth seals are designed for circulating oil
             lubrication systems. The seals are fitted in a
             modified housing, designation suffix TURP,

                                          Fig. 9
              Seal for large axial movements

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