Page 200 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 200
Split plummer block housings SNL 30, 31 and 32 series
Housing variants cation, the housings are modified to accom-
modate the special oil seals. As a result, large
In addition to standard design SNL housings, a SNL housings for oil lubrication are supplied
number of variants are also available. Variants together with the seals, as a unit.
include housings made of different materials,
different bearing seat tolerance classes and
modifications for special applications. Sealing solutions
SNL plummer (pillow) block housings in the 30,
Housing material 31 and 32 series are available with different
For applications where extra strength is standard sealing solutions († fig. 7):
needed, SNL housings are also available in
spheroidal graphite cast iron. • labyrinth seals (TS ..)
• taconite heavy-duty seals (TNF ..)
• seals for oil lubrication (TSD .. U)
Bearing seat tolerance • end covers (ETS ..)
SNL housings can be supplied with different
bearing seat tolerance classes, e.g. for appli- Table 1 provides an overview of the charac-
cations prone to vibration, with rotating outer teristics and suitability of each sealing solu-
ring load or for applications operating at high tion. Details are provided in the following text.
temperatures. This information should be used as a guideline
For additional information, contact the SKF and does not substitute for testing a seal in its
application engineering service. application.
Housings for oil lubrication
SNL housings in the 30, 31 and 32 series can
be used for oil lubrication at relatively high
speeds. When they are to be used for oil lubri-
Fig. 7
Standard sealing solutions for large SNL plummer block housings
Labyrinth seal Taconite Seal for oil End cover
TS .. heavy-duty seal lubrication ETS ..
TNF .. TSD .. U