Page 202 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 202
Split plummer block housings SNL 30, 31 and 32 series
Labyrinth seals The oil seals consist of a stationary part,
For applications where there are high speeds which is fitted in the housing, and a labyrinth
or extreme temperatures, SKF recommends ring that rotates with the shaft. The labyrinth
using labyrinth seals. Labyrinth rings, ring is held in place by two hollow silicone
mounted on the shaft, form a multi-stage rubber cords, which also help to prevent oil
labyrinth seal with the housing seal grooves. leakage.
A hollow, silicone rubber cord, supplied with SNL housings with oil seals are identified
the ring, holds the ring in place on the shaft. by the designation suffix TURT for spherical
roller bearings and TURA for CARB toroidal
roller bearings. The seal by itself is designated
Taconite heavy-duty seals TSD .. U.
For shaft-bearing combinations that must SNL housings for inch shafts can also be used
operate under highly contaminated conditions, for oil lubrication. For additional information,
such as those encountered in mining, taconite contact the SKF application engineering
heavy-duty seals, which can be filled with service.
grease, are recommended. Grease enhances
the sealing effect and extends the service life
of the seals. End covers
Taconite heavy-duty seals are labyrinth Housings at the end of a shaft should have an
seals combined with a V-ring seal. The inner end cover that fits into the seal groove in the
ring of the labyrinth seal is solid but the outer housing.
ring is split. They can be relubricated via a End covers, which are made of grey cast
grease fitting in the main body of the seal. iron, are installed with a hollow, silicone rubber
The axial movement of the shaft relative cord that holds the cover in place. End covers
to the housing is limited to ± 2 mm for shaft are available in two variants, one for grease
diameters up to 200 mm and ± 4 mm for lubrication and one for oil lubrication.
larger shaft diameters. Details of the permissible length of the shaft
end are listed in table 2 on page 199.
Seals for oil lubrication
Seals for oil bath and circulating oil lubrication
systems require a modified housing, and are
therefore supplied together with the housing
(† fig 8).
Fig. 8
Housing for oil lubrication