P. 32
Wear sleeves for heavy
industrial applications
Outside contamination particles and polishing The LDSLV designs are recommended
friction between a rotating shaft and a seal for applications where the operating con-
can, over time, result in severe shaft damage. ditions for the seals are difficult, particularly
Instead of repairing or replacing the damaged where solid contaminants can reach the seals,
shaft, SKF recommends the use of wear like in rolling mills, primary metal plants and
sleeves for heavy industrial applications in chemical and mineral plants.
(LDSLV), primarily in applications where no In applications where seal wear and shaft
SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE is available, i.e. for shaft damage can be expected, SKF recommends
diameters ranging from 211,15 to 1 143 mm that the wear sleeves be installed into the
(8.313 to 45 in.). The sleeves are made to application from the outset. It will then not be
order to fit shaft diameters within the primary necessary to rework the shaft before installing
ranges listed in tables 1 and 2. A selection of a replacement sleeve and the original size can
sizes is listed in the product tables starting be used for the replacement seal.
on page 34.
Table 1 Table 2
Primary dimension range of LDSLV3 Primary dimension range of LDSLV4
Shaft range Width Shaft range Width 1)
over incl. min max over incl. min max
mm/in. mm/in. mm/in. mm/in.
211,15 736,60 17,48 63,50 211,15 736,60 12,70 63,50
8.313 29.000 0.688 2.500 8.313 29.000 0.500 2.500
736,60 1 143,00 25,40 63,50 736,60 1 143,00 19,05 63,50
29.000 45.000 1.000 2.500 29.000 45.000 0.750 2.500
1) Total width (b), 38,10 to 50,80 mm (1.5 to 2 in.) at 1 143,00 mm (45 in.) 1) Total width (b), 38,10 to 50,80 mm (1.5 to 2 in.) at 1 143,00 mm (45 in.)
shaft diameter shaft diameter
Contact SKF for LDSLV3 designs outside the primary range. Contact SKF for LDSLV4 designs outside the primary range.