P. 28

SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE – inch dimensions
      d 1  3.618 – 5.125 in.
                                  r max  0.125 in.

                            D             d 1

                                   b 1

      Shaft diameter range   Nominal dimensions                           Designation

      d 1                   d 1      D       b 1      b        B
      min     max                    ±0.063   ±0.031   ±0.031
      in.                   in.                                           –

      3.618   3.624         3.621    4.031   0.813    1.000    1.750      99360

      3.623   3.629         3.625    4.025   0.500    0.625    1.750      99363
                            3.625    4.031   0.813    1.000    1.750      99362

      3.684   3.690         3.688    4.031   0.313    0.438    0.875      99368

      3.685   3.691         3.688    4.025   0.813    0.938    1.800      99365

      3.727   3.733         3.730    4.016   0.469    0.594    1.800      99359
                            3.730    4.025   0.781    0.906    1.800      99366

      3.737   3.743         3.740    4.025   0.827    0.945    1.800      99369

      3.740   3.746         3.743    4.031   0.344    0.500    1.800      99374
                            3.743    4.035   0.469    0.594    1.800      99364

      3.746   3.752         3.749    4.025   0.563    0.688    1.800      99376

      3.750   3.756         3.750    4.020   0.688    0.875    1.800      99853 2)3)
                            3.753    4.025   0.344    0.500    1.800      99367
                            3.753    4.020   0.688    0.875    1.800      99372

      3.868   3.874         3.871    4.185   0.813    1.000    1.875      99386

      3.873   3.879         3.875    4.219   0.813    1.000    1.875      99387

      3.935   3.941         3.938    4.313   0.813    1.000    2.050      99854 2)
                            3.938    4.313   0.813    1.000    2.050      99393

      3.998   4.006         4.000    4.375   0.500    0.625    2.066      99401
                            4.000    4.375   0.600    0.725    2.050      99395
                            4.000    4.375   0.650    0.775    1.375      99400
                            4.000    4.375   0.813    1.000    2.050      99855 2)
                            4.000    4.375   0.813    1.000    2.050      99399

      4.090   4.098         4.094    4.438   0.787    0.945    1.417      99409

      4.122   4.130         4.125    4.470   0.813    1.000    1.375      99412

      4.130   4.138         4.134    4.470   0.787    0.913    1.378      99413

      4.183   4.191         4.188    4.500   0.813    1.000    1.375      99418

      4.226   4.234         4.234    4.610   0.781    0.906    1.438      99423

      4.248   4.256         4.250    4.610   0.813    1.000    1.438      99424

      1)  Possible max. distance of the rear groove from the shaft end when the installation tool supplied with the sleeve is used
      2)  SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE Gold
      3)  Previously 99372
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