Page 82 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 82

Split plummer block housings SNL 2, 3, 5 and 6 series

             Lubrication                         grease fill is used when bearings are relubri-
                                                 cated via the outer ring.
             SNL plummer (pillow) block housings in the 2,   For highly contaminated environments and
             3, 5 and 6 series with standard seals are   slow speeds, fill the housing to 70–80%. For
             intended for grease lubrication. For oil lubrica-  best protection against contaminants, use the
             tion, housings with oil seals († page 64) or   SKF three-barrier solution († page 39). For
             SONL plummer block housings († page 349)   additional information, contact the SKF appli-
             should be used.                     cation engineering service.
               The lubricant should be selected based on   Quantities for 20 and 40% grease fills
             the operating conditions of the bearing. For   are listed table 11. The values are valid for
             additional information about lubricant selec-  a typical lithium grease (about 0,95 g/cm ).
             tion, refer to the product information available   They include grease for the bearing and the
             online at                  four-lip seals or the sealing washers of V-ring
                                                 seals. The grease to fill labyrinth seals or
                                                 taconite heavy-duty seals is not included.
             Initial grease fill                 For sealed bearings, the values have to be
             If no other requirements exist, the free space   adjusted.
             in the bearing should be completely filled with   In most applications, the initial grease fill
             grease and the free space in the housing should   will adequately lubricate the bearing until the
             be filled to 20 to 40% of its volume. A 40%   grease is exchanged during the next planned
             grease fill is required when bearings have to   maintenance interval.
             be relubricated from the side, while a 20%
                                         Table 11  SNL plummer block housings enable relubri-
              Initial grease fill                cation of the incorporated bearings and seals
                                                 († fig. 11):
              Housing              Initial fill
              Size                 20%   40%
                                                 •  SNL housings have two holes that have
              –                    g
                                                   been drilled and tapped for an AH 1/8-27
                                                   PTF grease fitting. On a new housing, the
              SNL 205  SNL 505     15    25
              SNL 206-305  SNL 506-605  25  40     holes are covered by plastic plugs. These
              SE 207   SE 507-606  30    50        plugs should be replaced with the grease
              SE 208-307  SE 508-607  35  55       fitting and threaded plug supplied with the
              SE 209   SE 509      40    60        housing.
              SE 210   SE 510-608  45    70
                                                 •  If a larger grease fitting or other equipment
              (F)SE 211  (F)SE 511-609  55  90     has to be used, an adapter to change to a
              (F)SE 212  (F)SE 512-610  80  135
              (F)SE 213  (F)SE 513-611  100  160   G 1/4 thread is available († page 47).
                                                 •  Dimples cast into the top of the housing cap
              (F)SE 215  (F)SE 515-612  125  210
              (F)SNL 216  (F)SNL 516-613  170  280  indicate alternative positions where holes
              (F)SNL 217  (F)SNL 517  200  330     can be drilled and tapped to accommodate
                                                   a grease fitting for bearing or seal
              (F)SNL 218  (F)SNL 518-615  260  430
                       (F)SNL 519-616  300  480    relubrication.
                       (F)SNL 520-617  390  630
                       (F)SNL 522-619  530  850
                       (F)SNL 524-620  630  1 000
                       (F)SNL 526  700   1 100
                       (F)SNL 528  900   1 400
                       (F)SNL 530  1 100  1 700
                       (F)SNL 532  1 300  2 000

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