Page 78 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 78

Split plummer block housings SNL 2, 3, 5 and 6 series

             Breaking loads and safety factors   Load carrying capacity of the cap bolts
             G uideline values for the breaking loads of   Approximate values for the yield points for cap
             housings made of grey cast iron are listed in   bolts are provided in table 10 on page 77. The
             table 8. To obtain the permissible load for a   values in table 10 apply to 8.8 class cap bolts,
             housing, the appropriate breaking load value   which are supplied with SNL housings made of
             should be divided by a factor based on the   grey cast iron. SSNLD housings made of spher-
             safety requirements. In general engineering,   oidal graphite cast iron are supplied with 10.9
             a safety factor of 6 is typical († Load carrying   class cap bolts. For these cap bolts, the values
             capacity, page 44). The permissible load can   obtained from table 10 should be multiplied by
             only be exploited if the cap bolts are tightened   a factor of 1,4.
             according to the torque values listed in   If a safety factor of 6 is used for the permis-
             table 10 on page 77.                sible load of grey cast iron SNL housings, the
               The limits for P 0°  apply only when the hous-  cap bolts do not need to be considered. In this
             ing is not supported over its entire base.   case, the permissible load of the housing is less
               The load P a  is the axial breaking load of the   than the permissible load for the cap bolts.
             housing. If the incorporated bearing is
             mounted on a sleeve, check the permissible
             axial load for the sleeve.          Operating temperature
               For housings made of spheroidal graphite   The permissible operating temperature
             cast iron, the values obtained from tables 8   is mainly limited by the seals († table 3,
             and 9 on pages 75 and 76 respectively should   page 65) and the lubricant in the bearing.
             be multiplied by a factor of 1,8.   For temperature limits of SKF bearings and
                                                 lubricants, refer to the product information
             Safe loads                          available online at
             In some countries, safe loads are used instead   The housing material does not have any
             of breaking loads. Approximate safe loads are     additional temperature limits, except for very
             listed in table 9 on page 76. These guideline   low temperature applications where impact
             values have been established using accepted   strength could be a factor.
             engineering practices, taking safety, ultimate   The housing paint is heat resistant up to
             tensile strength of the materials and working   80 °C (175 °F) material temperature or 100 °C
             stresses into account. They reflect a safety   (210 °F) ambient temperature. When tem-
             factor of 5 against fracture, and a minimum   peratures outside the permissible range are
             factor of 2 against cap bolt yield.  expected, contact the SKF application engin-
                                                 eering service.
             Additional housing support
             When the housing is subjected to loads acting
             parallel to the support surface, it may be   Operating speed
             ne cessary to pin the housing to the support   All seals, except non-contact labyrinth seals,
             surface or to provide a stop to counter the   limit the permissible operating speed. Speed
             load.                               limits for seals are provided in table 3 on
               When loads act at angles between 55° and   page 65 and in table 7 on page 70. For
             120°, or when the axial loads are greater than   speed limits of the bearing, refer to the
             5% of P 180°  († table 8), the housing should be     product information available online at
             pinned to the support surface or a stop should
             be provided to counter the load. The dowel
             pins or stop should be sufficiently strong to
             accommodate the loads acting  parallel to the
             support surface.
               Recommendations for the position and size
             of the holes to accommodate dowel pins are
             provided in table 13 on page 82. For FSNL
             housings, refer to table 1 on page 62.

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