Page 182 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 182
Split plummer block housings SNLN 30 series
Condition monitoring Accessories
SNLN 30 plummer (pillow) block housings The following accessories are available for
have appropriate positions for condition moni- SNLN 30 plummer (pillow) block housings:
toring sensors († fig. 15).
Position 1 is a measurement point perpen- • Adapter for G 1/4 connections: LAPN 1/8
dicular to the shaft, and should be used when • Automatic lubricators: SKF SYSTEM 24 and
the housing is hung from its support or when SKF MultiPoint
loads act away from the support surface. • Grease meter: LAGM 1000E
Position 2 is a measurement point parallel • Condition monitoring sensors
to the shaft and should be used when loads act
toward the support surface. Both positions 1 For additional information, refer to SKF tools
and 2 are in accordance with ISO 10816-1. and products († page 47).
Position 3 is a measurement point that is
approximately 20° to 45° to the shaft axis.
Fig. 15
Measurement points for condition monitoring
Position 1
Position 3
Position 2