P. 5

Test results                                                                                     Diagram 1
                                                                 SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE wear test
         The previous and new generation of SKF                  Abrasive media, test stopped at 500 hours
         SPEEDI-SLEEVE products were tested for
         abrasion resistance under both coarse and                 Sleeve wear
         fine dust conditions. A 500 hour contamina-               [10 mm ]
         tion test († diagram 1) showed that when                  100
         compared to the previous generation sleeve,                            Variation
         the new generation SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE                                   Average
         reduced abrasion by a factor of 1,5 and was                80
         still operating efficiently.
           To test sealing system effectiveness, a
         2 000 hour life test was performed                         60
         († diagram 2) using SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE
         new and previous generation products and
         SKF WAVE seals made from the SKF fluoro
         rubber material SKF Duralife. The test results             40
         showed that SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE new gen-
         eration reduced the sealing lip wear and the
         variation in the wear rate by approximately                20
         30% compared to the previous generation
         sleeve and outperformed a chromium-plated
         surface by a factor of 2. This reduction                    0
         improves the sealing system reliability as well                   New              Previous
         as the predictability of the system service life.                 generation       generation
           Both tests were carried out under the same                      SKF SPEEDI-      SKF SPEEDI-
         operating conditions:                                             SLEEVE           SLEEVE

         •  temperatures up to 110 °C (225 °F)
         •  linear shaft speeds of up to 8,6 m/s
           (1 700 ft/min)                                                                                 Diagram 2
                                                                 Sealing lip wear test
         In other tests, it was found that continuous            Seals made from fluoro rubber, test stopped at 2 000 hours
         salt spray at 35 °C (95 °F) produced no trace
         of corrosion even after 600 hours. This opti-              Sealing lip wear
         mized performance is made possible through                 [10 mm ]
         the use of the new generation of SKF                       20



                                                                          Chromium-   New         Previous
                                                                          plated      generation  generation
                                                                          surface     SKF SPEEDI-   SKF SPEEDI-
                                                                                      SLEEVE      SLEEVE

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10