P. 4

Removable flange                    Size range                                                       Fig. 1

      SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE has a removable flange   The standard size range covers sleeves for   Removable flange
      to simplify installation († fig. 1). The flange   shaft diameters from 11,99 to 203,33 mm
      can most often be left intact, but in applica-  (0.472 to 8 in.). Depending on production
      tions where the flange will interfere with other   quantities, non-standard sizes can be manu-
      system components, it should be removed so   factured. For additional information, contact
      it does not cause friction heat and wear debris.   SKF. Each sleeve is designed to fit a specific
      The flange should also be removed in applica-  shaft range, usually above and below the
      tions where it may reduce the supply of lubri-  nominal shaft diameter. This permits some
      cant to the seal. This would cause a reduced   flexibility to accommodate variations in the
      cooling effect of the lubricant, resulting in ele-  actual shaft diameter.
      vated underlip temperature and premature
      ageing of the seal material.
        If the flange is to be removed, it should be   Selecting the sleeve size
      cut from the outside diameter into the radius                           SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE removable flange
      in one location prior to installation. The flange   To determine the appropriate sleeve size, it is
      can then be twisted and raised up after instal-  first necessary to clean the shaft carefully. The
      lation and grasped with a pair of pliers and   diameter of an undamaged section of the seal
      twisted into a coil.                counterface should then be measured on at
                                          least three different planes. The arithmetical
      SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE Gold              mean of these measurements determines the
                                          size of SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE. If the value lies
                                          within the permissible range listed in the
      The new generation of SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE   product table for the shaft diameter d 1 , the
      is also available in the Gold version, designed   selected SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE will have an
      for highly abrasive applications. A thin, metal-  adequate tight fit on the shaft and will not
      lic coating applied to the base stainless steel   require an adhesive.
      imparts a gold colour and significantly increas-
      es durability. SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE Gold is
      particularly effective in environments where
      there are abrasive contaminants, especially
      when combined with a seal manufactured
      from the SKF fluoro rubber material
      SKF Duralife . This sealing system solution
      lasted 2 500 hours in a contamination test.                             SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE new generation, Gold
        The installation procedure is common to
      both SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE designs and the
      original seal size can still be used.
        All sleeves listed in the product tables start-
      ing on page 8 can be manufactured as SKF

                                            The standard size
                                            range covers sleeves
                                            for shaft diameters
                                            from 11,99 to 203,33 mm
                                            (0.472 to 8 in.).
      1)  Previously named Longlife

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