P. 3

The new generation concept

         and characteristics

         Enhanced sealing system             cation again. Otherwise, the sealing system   minimizes wear on both the sleeve and sealing
         solution                            will not function properly.         lip. The proprietary material provides increased
                                               SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE is a well-proven solu-  strength and excellent ductility properties of
         To seal effectively, radial shaft seals must run   tion to overcome problems with worn shafts,   the sleeve. Imperceptible lubricant pockets
         against a smooth, round counterface. If the   without having to disassemble the shaft or   enable the lubricant to reside on the sleeve and
         counterface becomes worn, the seal will no   specifying a new size of the replacement seal,   thereby prevent dry running of the sealing lip
         longer be able to fulfil its function, which is to   while offering an excellent sealing surface.   that otherwise can create excessive wear. The
         retain lubricant and to exclude contaminants.  Now, SKF has developed a patent pending   sleeves are thin-walled (0,28 mm (0.011 in.))
           Typically, the counterface becomes scored   new generation SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE with   and the contact surface is wear resistant and
         when a contaminant particle is caught under   features providing an even further enhanced   manufactured to minimize directionality
         the sealing lip and abrades a track as the shaft   sealing system performance.  (0° ±0,05) with a finish of R a  0,25 to 0,5 µm
         rotates. As this continues, the seal will enable                        (10 to 20 µin.). This is, in fact, a better counter-
         more particles to pass or get stuck eventually                          face than can often be achieved on a shaft.
         leading to malfunction of the component that  Features
         the sealing system is meant to protect. A sim-
         ple seal replacement will not be sufficient and   The new generation of SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE
         to repair the shaft, it is usually necessary to   combines a proprietary stainless steel mate-
         disassemble the machine to be able to grind   rial and manufacturing process, resulting in
         down the counterface until it is within specifi-  an optimized seal counterface surface that

         The optimized sealing system: SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE
         new generation + SKF radial shaft seal

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