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SKF – the knowledge engineering


      From one simple but
      inspired solution to a
      misalignment prob-
      lem in a textile mill in
      Sweden, and fifteen
      employees in 1907,
      SKF has grown to
      become a global
        industrial knowledge
      leader. Over the
      years we have built on our expertise in bear-  Meeting the toughest challenges   Working for a sustainable future
      ings, extending it to seals, mechatronics, ser-  Our network of knowledge and experience   Since 2005, SKF has worked to reduce the
      vices and lubrication systems. Our knowledge   along with our understanding of how our core     negative environmental impact from our own
      network includes 46 000  employees, 15 000   technologies can be combined helps us create   operations and those of our suppliers. Our
      distributor partners,  offices in more than 130   innovative solutions that meet the toughest of   continuing technology development intro-
      countries, and a growing number of SKF   challenges. We work closely with our custom-  duced the SKF BeyondZero portfolio of prod-
        Solution Factory sites around the world.   ers throughout the asset life  cycle, helping   ucts and services which improve  efficiency
                                          them to profitably and  re spon sibly grow their   and reduce energy losses, as well as enable
      Research and development            businesses.                         new technol ogies harnessing wind, solar and
      We have hands-on experience in over forty                               ocean power. This combined approach helps
        industries, based on our employees’ know-                             reduce the  environmental impact both in our
      ledge of real life conditions. In addition our                          own oper ations and in our customers’.
      world-leading experts and university partners
      who  pioneer advanced theoretical  research
      and  development in areas including tribology,
      condition monitoring, asset management and
      bearing life theory. Our ongoing commitment
      to research and devel opment helps us keep
      our customers at the forefront of their

                                                            Working with SKF IT and logistics systems and application experts, SKF
      SKF Solution Factory makes SKF knowledge and manu facturing  expertise     Authorized  Distributors deliver a valuable mix of product and application
        available  locally, to provide unique solutions and services to our customers.    knowledge to customers worldwide.

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