Page 407 - Rollingbearings
P. 407

Designation system

                      Group 4
            4 1  4 2  4 3  4 4  4 5  4 6

                                           Group 4.6: Other variants                                                 3
                                           309829  Larger balls

                                           Group 4.5: Lubrication
                                           GE2,   Grease sufixes (table 2, page 389)

                                           Group 4.4: Stabilization
                                           S1     Bearing rings heat stabilized for operating temperatures ≤ 200 °C (390 °F)

                                           Group 4.3: Bearing sets, matched bearings

                                           DB     Two bearings matched for mounting back-to-back
                                           DF     Two bearings matched for mounting face-to-face
                                           DT     Two bearings matched for mounting in tandem

                                           Group 4.2: Accuracy, clearance, preload, quiet running
                                           P5     Dimensional and geometrical tolerances to class P5
                                           P6     Dimensional and geometrical tolerances to class P6
                                           P62    P6 + C2
                                           P63    P6 + C3
                                           P64    P6 + C4
                                           P6CNL   P6 + CNL
                                           CNL    Axial internal clearance in the lower half of the Normal range
                                           C2     Axial internal clearance smaller than Normal
                                           C2H    Axial internal clearance in the upper half of the C2 range
                                           C2L    Axial internal clearance in the lower half of the C2 range
                                           C3     Axial internal clearance greater than Normal
                                           C4     Axial internal clearance greater than C3
                                           344524  C2H + CNL

                                           Group 4.1: Materials, heat treatment

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