Page 405 - Rollingbearings
P. 405

Design considerations
           Design                            Performance and operational reliability   Four-point contact
                                             depend on:
           considerations                                                       ball bearings
                                             • proper adjustment for single bearings
                                             • the correct selection of clearance and   Used as a thrust bearing
           Single row angular                  preload for universally matchable bearings
                                                 If there is too much clearance in the
           contact ball bearings               bearing arrangement during operation,   Four-point contact ball bearings are often
                                                                                used as entirely thrust bearings, together
                                               the load carrying capacity of the bearings   with a radial bearing  When used in this way,
           Proper adjustment                   will not be fully utilized. Excessive preload   the four-point contact ball bearing should be   3
                                               produces more friction and higher operat-  mounted with radial clearance in the hous-
           Single row angular contact ball bearings   ing temperatures, leading to a reduction in   ing (ig. 12)
           must be used (ig. 11):              bearing service life.
                                                                                • in combination with a cylindrical roller
           • with a second bearing                                                bearing:
           • in sets                         Axial loads in one direction            – the radial internal clearance of the cylin-
              The bearings must be adjusted against                                drical roller bearing should be smaller
            each other until the requisite clearance or   When the axial load acts predominantly in   than the theoretical radial internal
            preload is obtained (Selecting preload,   one direction in back-to-back and face-to-  clearance of the four-point contact ball
            page 186                         face arrangements, unfavourable rolling   bearing after both have been mounted
                                             conditions for the balls of the axially     – the theoretical radial clearance can be
           Universally matchable bearings mounted   unloaded bearing may occur, which can lead   calculated from:
           immediately adjacent to each other:  to:
                                                                                   C  = 0,7 C a
           • require no further adjustment (Bearings   • increased noise levels
            for universal matching, page 385)  • discontinuity in the lubricant ilm  where
           • obtain requisite clearance or preload by:  • increased stresses on the cage  C  = theoretical radial internal clearance
               – choosing bearings from an appropriate                             C  = axial internal clearance (table 9,
              clearance or preload class     Under these circumstances, SKF recom-    page 397)
               – applying suitable its for the bearings on   mends zero operating clearance, which can
              the shaft and in the housing   be attained by using springs. When springs     – the outer ring of the four-point contact
                                             are not suficient, using bearings with a 25°   ball bearing must be able to accommo-
                                             contact angle as a backup bearing may help    date thermal movements
                                                                                     Therefore, it should not be clamped
                                                                                   axially, but a small gap should be main-
                                             Load ratio                            tained between the outer ring and the
                                                                                   cover lange
                                             • of F /F  ≥ 1 is required by bearings in the     – bearings with locating slots should be
                                               70 B, 72 B(E) and 73 B(E) series    used (ig. 12) to prevent the outer ring
                                             • of F /F  ≥ 0,55 is required by bearings in   from turning
                                     Fig. 12   the 72 AC and 73 AC series            If clamping the outer ring cannot be
            Bearing mounted with radial clearance in                               avoided, the outer ring must be carefully
            the housing                      If the load ratio requirement is not met in   centred during mounting
                                             each case, bearing service life can be
                                                                                Load ratio

                                                                                For proper functionality, the balls should
                                                                                contact only one inner ring raceway and the
                                                                                opposite side of the outer ring raceway  This
                                                                                is the case when the load ratio is
                                                                                F /F  ≥ 1,27
                                                                                  A load ratio that is smaller than recom-
                                                                                mended can reduce bearing service life

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