Page 202 - Rollingbearings
P. 202
B.8 Sealing, mounting and dismounting
Mounting Checking associated components Removing the preservative
Housings, shafts, seals and other compo- Normally, the preservative applied to new
Before mounting, be sure you have all the nents of the bearing-shaft-housing system bearings does not need to be removed It is
necessary parts, tools, equipment and data should be checked to make sure they are only necessary to wipe off the outside and
available and ready to use Review any draw- clean This is particularly important for lubri- bore surfaces However, if the lubricant to be
ings or instructions to determine the correct cation holes and threaded holes, lead-ins or used is not compatible with the preservative,
sequence and orientation in which compon- grooves where remnants of previous the bearing should be washed and dried
ents are to be assembled Leave the bear- machining operations might have collected carefully Bearings capped with seals or
ings in their original packages until immedi- Also, make sure that all unpainted surfaces shields are illed with grease and should not
ately before mounting so that they are not of cast housings are free of core sand and be washed prior to mounting
exposed to any contaminants If there is a that any burrs are removed
risk that the bearings have become contam- When all components have been cleaned Bearing handling and safety
inated because of improper handling or and dried, check the dimensional and
damaged packaging, they should be washed, geometrical tolerances of each piece The SKF recommends use of personal protection
dried and inspected before mounting bearings only perform satisfactorily if the clothing and equipment, such as gloves,
associated components comply with the pre- safety shoes and goggles, as well as carrying
Assembly area scribed tolerances The diameters of cylin- and lifting tools (ig. 23) that have been spe-
drical shaft and housing seats are usually cially designed for handling bearings Using
Bearings should be mounted in a dry, dust- checked with a micrometer, or internal the proper tools enhances safety, while sav-
free area, away from machines producing gauge, at two cross sections and in four ing time and effort
swarf and dust When bearings have to be directions (ig. 22) Tapered shaft seats can When handling hot or oily bearings, SKF
mounted in an unprotected area, which is be checked using a GRA 30 series ring recommends wearing the appropriate heat
Sealing, mounting and dismounting as dust, dirt and moisture This can be done Fig. 22 (ig. 25) A spring between the hook and
gauge or a DMB or 9205 series taper gauge
often the case with large bearings, steps
or oil resistant gloves (ig. 24)
For large, heavy bearings, use lifting tackle
should be taken to protect the bearing and
refer to skf com, or a sine bar
mounting position from contaminants such
that supports the bearing from the bottom
by covering or wrapping bearings and
tackle can facilitate positioning of the bear-
machine components with plastic or foil
ing onto the shaft
To ease lifting, large bearings can be pro-
vided, on request, with threaded holes in the
ring side faces to accommodate eye bolts
These holes are designed to bear only the
Measuring of cylindrical shaft and housing seats
depth of the hole is limited by the ring thick-
ness Make sure that the eye bolts are only
subjected to load in the direction of the
L b L a L b weight of the bearing, because the size and
shank axis (ig. 26)
B.8 L a 1 2
a b 1 2
a b
3 3
4 Fig. 25
Lifting of heavy bearings
Fig. 23 Fig. 24
Carrying tool Heat resistant glove