Page 72 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 72

Split plummer block housings SNL 2, 3, 5 and 6 series

             End covers                                                       Table 5
             H ousings at the end of a shaft should have   Seal groove dimensions
             an end cover that fits into the seal groove                 1°
             in the housing.
               For applications where temperatures
             exceed 110 °C (230 °F), steel end covers
             should be used. These can be cut from sheet
                                                                         A 6
             steel and placed in the seal groove. Use a hol-            A 5
             low silicone rubber cord to hold the cover in
                                                                           D b  D c
             place. Seal groove dimensions are provided                 A 4
             in table 5.                                        A 3
               Details of the permissible length of the shaft
             end are listed in table 6.

             U sing sealed bearings
                                                  Housing    Dimensions
             Using sealed bearings in housings with   Size  A 3  A 4  A 5  A 6  D b  D c
               standard seals is a good solution for highly
             contam inated environments. The sealed bear-  –  mm
             ing together with the housing seal and grease
             provide three layers of protection († SKF   SNL 205  44  5  7,5  10  36,5  44,5
             three-barrier solution, page 39).    SNL 206-305  54  5  7,5  10  46,5  54,5
               SNL housing seals can be used together   SE 207  58  5  8  11  56,5  64,5
             with SKF sealed self-aligning bearings. When   SE 208-307  61  5  8  11  62  70,5
             using taconite heavy-duty seals, a sealed   SE 209  59  5 5  9 9  12  67  75,5
                                                  SE 210
             bearing does not enhance the sealing effect
             during operation, but still protects the bearing   SE 211  69  5 5  9 9  12  77  85,5
                                                  SE 212
             against contam inants during mounting.  SE 213  82  5  9  13  92,5  101
                                                  SE 215    87  5  9  13  102,5  111
                                                  SNL 216   92  5  9  13  108  116,5
                                                  SNL 217   97  5  9  13  112  120,5
                                                  SNL 218   112  5  9  13  120  128,5
                                                  SNL 505   45  5  7,5  10  31,5  39,5
                                                  SNL 506-605  55  5  7,5  10  36,5  44,5
                                                  SE 507-606  59  5  8  11  46,5  54,5
                                                  SE 508-607  62  5  8  11  51,5  59,5
                                                  SE 509    60  5  9  12  56,5  64,5
                                                  SE 510-608  65  5  9  12  62  70,5
                                                  SE 511-609  70  5  9  12  67  75,5
                                                  SE 512-610  80  5  9  12  72  80,5
                                                  SE 513-611  83  5  9  13  77  85,5
                                                  SE 515-612  88  5  9  13  87  95,5
                                                  SNL 516-613  93  5  9  13  92,5  101
                                                  SNL 517   98  5  9  13  97,5  106
                                                  SNL 518-615  113  5  9  13  102,5  111
                                                  SNL 519-616  116  6  10  14  131  141
                                                  SNL 520-617  131  6  10  14  137,5  147,5
                                                  SNL 522-619  143  6  10  14  147,5  157,5
                                                  SNL 524-620  151  6  11  15  157,5  167,5
                                                  SNL 526   156  6  11  15  167,5  177,5
                                                  SNL 528   171  6  11  15  177,5  187,5
                                                  SNL 530   189  6  11  15  192,5  202,5
                                                  SNL 532   201  6  11  15  202,5  212,5
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77