Page 174 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 174

Split plummer block housings SNLN 30 series

             Load carrying capacity              Breaking loads and safety factors
             SNLN 30 housings are intended for loads   Guideline values for the breaking loads of
               acting perpendicularly toward the support   housings made of grey cast iron are listed in
             surface. If the housing is supported over its   table 7. To obtain the permissible load for a
             entire base and the loads are purely perpen-  housing, the appropriate breaking load value
             dicular, loads are limited only by the bearing.   should be divided by a factor based on the
             If loads acting in other directions occur, or if   safety requirements. In general engineering,
             the housing is not supported over its entire   a safety factor of 6 is typical († Load carrying
             base, be sure that the magnitude of the load   capacity, page 44). The permissible load can
             is permissible for the housing, the cap bolts   only be exploited if the cap bolts are tightened
             and the attachment bolts. When housings are   at least to the torque values listed in table 8.
             subjected to cyclic loads or dynamic imbalance,   If the housing is not supported over its
             contact the SKF application engineering   entire base, the load carrying capacity for
             service.                            loads acting perpendicularly to the support
                                                 surface may be affected. For additional infor-
                                                 mation, contact the SKF application engineer-
                                                 ing service.
                                                                             Table 7
              Breaking loads for SNLN 30 plummer block housings made of grey cast iron

                               P 55°           P 90°          P 120°

                               P 150°          P 180°          P a

              Housing    Breaking loads
              Size       P 55°    P 90°   P 120°  P 150°  P 180°  P a
              –          kN
              SNLN 3024  520      310     230     210     260     90
              SNLN 3026  620      370     280     250     310     110
              SNLN 3028  700      420     310     280     350     120
              SNLN 3030  780      470     350     310     390     130
              SNLN 3032  840      500     380     340     420     150
              SNLN 3034  1 000    600     450     400     500     170
              SNLN 3036  1 160    700     520     460     580     200
              SNLN 3038  1 300    780     580     520     650     220
              SNLN 3040  1 480    890     670     590     740     260
              SNLN 3044  1 700    1 020   760     680     850     300
              SNLN 3048  1 880    1 130   850     750     940     330
              SNLN 3052  2 120    1 270   950     850     1 060   370
              SNLN 3056  2 240    1 340   1 000    900    1 120   390

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