Page 169 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 169

Using sealed bearings

                                                                           Table 4
            Permissible length of a shaft end

                           C a                             C a
                           B                               B                            4

                       b b                              b b
                      b a                              b a
                      b c                             b c

            Housing    Dimensions              Appropriate bearing
            Size                               Designation  Dimensions
                        1)                              B
                       b a    b c    C a                       b b
            –          mm                      –        mm
            SNLN 3024  48     70     70        23024    46     45
            SNLN 3026  52     76     79        23026    52     49
            SNLN 3028  53     75     79        23028    53     50,5
            SNLN 3030  57     82     86        23030    56     54
            SNLN 3032  60     82     90        23032    60     57,5
            SNLN 3034  65     87     87        23034    67     62
            SNLN 3036  69     94     94        23036    74     66,5
            SNLN 3038  71     99     95        23038    75     68
            SNLN 3040  75     98     102       23040    82     72,5
            SNLN 3044  89     108    110       23044    90     86
            SNLN 3048  95     110    112       23048    92     92
            SNLN 3052  101    120    124       23052    104    98
            SNLN 3056  106    123    126       23056    106    103

            1)  For the non-locating bearing position, the values for b a  must be adjusted if the bearing is not centred in the housing seat.

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