Page 175 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 175

Design considerations

            For housings made of spheroidal graphite   pinned to the support surface or a stop should
           cast iron, the values obtained from table 7   be provided to counter the load. The dowel
           should be multiplied by a factor of 1,8.  pins or stop should be sufficiently strong to
            The load P a  is the axial breaking load of the   accommodate the loads acting parallel to the
           housing. If the incorporated bearing is mounted   support surface.
           on a sleeve, check the permissible axial load   Recommendations for the position and size
           for the sleeve.                     of the holes to accommodate dowel pins are   4
                                               provided in table 11 on page 177.
           Additional housing support
           When a housing is subjected to loads acting   Load carrying capacity of the cap bolts
           parallel to the support surface, it may be   Approximate values for the yield points for cap
           ne cessary to pin the housing to the support   bolts are provided in table 8. Recommended
           surface or to provide a stop to counter the   torque values are listed in the same table. The
           load.                               values in table 8 apply to 8.8 class cap bolts,
            When loads act at angles between 55° and   which are supplied with SNLN 30 housings
           120°, or when the axial loads are greater than   made of grey cast iron. SSNLND housings made
           5% of P 180°  († table 7), the housing should be   of spheroidal graphite cast iron are supplied
                                                                           Table 8
            Load carrying capacity and torque values for cap bolts and attachment bolts

                          Q 120°            Q 150°             Q 180°

            Housing    Cap bolts                            Attachment bolts
            Size       Yield point for two bolts  Size  Tightening   Size  Tightening
                                                  torque           torque 1)
                       Q 120°  Q 150°  Q 180°
            –          kN                –        Nm        –      Nm

            SNLN 3024  620   360   310   M 20¥100  200      M 24   665
            SNLN 3026  620   360   310   M 20¥100  200      M 24   665
            SNLN 3028  620   360   310   M 20¥110  200      M 24   665
            SNLN 3030  900   520   450   M 24¥130  350      M 24   665
            SNLN 3032  900   520   450   M 24¥130  350      M 24   665
            SNLN 3034  900   520   450   M 24¥130  350      M 30   1 310
            SNLN 3036  900   520   450   M 24¥130  350      M 30   1 310
            SNLN 3038  900   520   450   M 24¥140  350      M 30   1 310
            SNLN 3040  900   520   450   M 24¥140  350      M 30   1 310
            SNLN 3044  1 430  825  715   M 30¥170  400      M 36   2 280
            SNLN 3048  1 430  825  715   M 30¥170  400      M 36   2 280
            SNLN 3052  2 100  1 200  1 050  M 36¥200  600   M 42   3 640
            SNLN 3056  2 100  1 200  1 050  M 36¥200  600   M 42   3 640

            1)  Recommended by bolt manufacturers

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