Page 187 - Rollingbearings
P. 187

Selecting internal clearance or preload
           Start-up                          Required minimum initial           • Bearing types for adjusted bearing
           During start-up, the temperature gradient   internal clearance         arrangements – such as angular contact
           over the bearing is largely determined by the                          ball bearings, tapered roller bearings or
           transient heat low  Among the various com-  The required minimum initial internal clear-  spherical roller thrust bearings – have
           ponents in contact with the bearing, the one   ance can be estimated using  their internal clearance set during mount-
           that has the smallest thermal capacity will                            ing (Mounting adjusted bearing arrange-
           rise in temperature faster than the one that   r = r + Δr + Δr temp  + Δr other    ments, page 203)
           has the largest thermal capacity  Therefore,                         • For other bearing types, select a bearing
           the start-up sequence can result in a larger   where                   clearance class (Internal clearance,
           temperature differential between bearing   r   =  required minimum initial internal   page 26: Normal, C3, C4, etc ) whose
           inner and outer ring than in the steady-state   clearance [μm]         minimum clearance is equal to or greater
           condition  It results in a temperature peak   r    = required operating clearance [μm]  than the estimated minimum initial inter-
           during start-up (ΔT max  in diagram 3)  This is   Δr    =  clearance change caused by the   nal clearance (ig.3)  Then verify whether
           especially pronounced in machines that   maximum expected its [μm]     the resulting maximum clearance of the
           either are working outdoors in a cold climate   Δr temp  =  maximum clearance change   selected clearance class is acceptable for
           or have a heated shaft                   expected from the temperature   the application  If the maximum clearance,
                                                    difference during start-up or in   for whatever reason, is too large then con-
           Higher speeds                            steady state [μm]             sider choosing a reduced clearance group
                                             Δr other  =  maximum clearance change   – e g  C3L, which includes only the lower
           Whether during start-up or at steady state,   expected from other effects such as   half of the C3 clearance group range
           higher speeds generate larger frictional   axial clamping [μm]
           losses  This typically results in a larger tem-
           perature differential between the bearing
           inner and outer ring and therefore a need for
           larger initial clearance

           Other inluences on

           Axial clamping of a ring results in a small
           increase of its diameter  Normally, this has a
           negligible inluence  For machines where                                                                    Bearing execution
           there is a large axial load on any of the rings,
           or where two bearings (e g  angular contact
           ball bearings or tapered roller bearings, with                                                  Fig.3
           or without distance rings) are clamped axi-  Relationship between minimum initial internal clearance and bearing clearance class
           ally, the inluence on clearance or preload                                                                 B.7
           from the axial compression and the radial
           expansion must be considered
            Misalignment beyond the limits speciied
           in the product sections will reduce the clear-
           ance which, because of unfavourable load
           distribution, will result in reduced service life
           and increased friction
            Where light alloy materials are used, the          Clearance reduction
           temperature differences between rings and           and operational                       Unmounted
                                                               clearance range                       clearance range
           shaft or housing may have a more pro-
                                                                    r op max
           nounced inluence on the clearance of the                       r op min
           bearing                                                     Δr other
                                                                    Δr temp                           min
                                                                 Δr it
                                                Single row cylindrical
                                                roller bearing, NU design

                                               The minimum clearance of the bearing clearance class must be equal to or greater than the estimated minimum initial internal

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