Page 186 - Rollingbearings
P. 186

B.7  Bearing execution
        Range of initial internal          Clearance reduction caused         Clearance reduction caused
        clearance                          by interference its                by temperature difference
                                                                              between shaft, bearing rings
        Bearing types for adjusted bearing arrange-  An interference it causes clearance reduc-  and housing
        ments – such as angular contact ball bear-  tion because inner rings are expanded and
        ings, tapered roller bearings and spherical   outer rings are compressed. The reduction   The temperature behaviour of an application
        roller thrust bearings – have their internal   equals the effective interference it multi-  can create a difference in temperature
        clearance set during mounting  The internal   plied by a reduction factor using  between a bearing inner ring and outer ring,
        clearance of such an arrangement, even                                which changes the mounted bearing clear-
        though set by adjustment during mounting,   Δr = Δ f + Δ f            ance/preload. For a steel shaft and steel or
                                                     2  2
                                                 1  1
        will nevertheless have a range                                        cast iron housing, the change can be esti-
          For other bearing types, the initial internal   where               mated using
        clearance is determined during their manu-  Δr  =  clearance reduction caused by the it
        facture. ISO has deined ive clearance   [μm]                          Δr temp  = 0,012 ΔT d m
        classes for specifying the degree of initial   f   = reduction factor for the inner ring
        internal clearance in a bearing (Internal   f   = reduction factor for the outer ring  where
        clearance, page 26). Each clearance class   Δ   =  effective interference between the   Δr temp  =  clearance reduction caused by
        represents a range of values. The size of the   inner ring and shaft [μm]    temperature difference [μm]
        ranges varies depending on bearing type   Δ   =  effective interference between the   ΔT   =  temperature difference between
        and size. Clearance class details are listed in   outer ring and housing [μm]  inner and outer ring [°C]
        relevant product sections.                                            d    =  the bearing mean diameter [mm]
          Initial clearances greater than Normal,   Reduction factors valid for a solid steel shaft   = (d + D)/2
        such as C3 or even C4 clearance classes, are   and a thick-walled cast iron or steel housing
        very common today. This is because modern   can be obtained from diagram 2 as a func-  Steady state
        bearings take higher loads and require   tion of the ratio of the bearing bore diameter
        tighter interference its, and typical operat-  d to the outside diameter D. For the effective   The operating temperature of a bearing
        ing conditions are different, compared to   interference value, use the maximum prob-  reaches a steady state when there is thermal
        when the clearance classes were deined.  able interference value listed in the appro-  equilibrium (page 131) – i.e. there is a bal-
          For universally matchable single row   priate tables in Tolerances and resultant its,   ance between generated heat and dissipated
    Bearing execution  tapered roller bearings, double row angular   using SKF calculation tools, such as SKF   ent temperature of the surroundings of the
                                                                              heat. In the common case where the ambi-
        angular contact ball bearings and matched
                                           page 153.
                                             For a more detailed analysis, consider
        contact ball bearings and four-point contact
                                                                              housing of a bearing arrangement is cooler
                                                                              than its shaft, a steady-state temperature
        ball bearings, values for the axial internal
                                           Bearing Calculator (,
                                                                              gradient is developed that results in the
                                           SKF SimPro Quick or SKF SimPro Expert, or
        clearance are given instead of radial internal
                                           contact the SKF application engineering
                                                                              inner ring of the bearing being hotter than
        clearance, because the axial clearance is of
    B.7   greater practical importance for these bear-  service.              the outer ring (ΔT steady  in diagram 3).
        ing types. Radial internal clearance is related
        to axial internal clearance and that relation-
        ship is determined by the bearing type and
        its internal geometry. For detailed informa-
        tion, refer to the product sections.                                                          Diagram 3
                                                                                Temperature differences during start-up
                                                                                going into steady state
                                                                   Diagram 2
                                             Factors for clearance reduction caused by
                                             interference its                  Temperature
                                                                                                     ΔT  steady
                                              f 1 , f 2                                                 state
                                                                                      ΔT max
                                                      Outer ring                            Housing
                                                          Inner ring
                                                                                     Ambient temperature
                                                0,4   0,5   0,6   0,7   0,8   0,9
                                                                      d/D                           Time

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