Page 76 - Y-bearing-units
P. 76

Storing Y-bearings

        and Y-bearing units

        Y-bearings and Y-bearing units are normally   Y-bearings and Y-bearing units, which are
        treated with a rust preventive compound and   no longer in their original packages, must be
        can be stored in their original unopened package   adequately protected against corrosion and
        for a number of years. However, they should be   con tamination and should also be identified in
        kept in a vibration-free, dry environment where   some way by their complete designation.
        the relative humidity does not exceed 60% and
        the temperature is reasonably constant.
          When Y-bearings and Y-bearing units are
        stored for long periods, they may have a higher
        initial starting torque than Y-bearings or units
        recently delivered from the factory. Also, the
        lubricating properties of the grease may have
        deteriorated after long periods of storage.

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