Page 120 - Rollingbearings
P. 120

B.4  Lubrication
                                           Additional factors and             Heavy and very heavy bearing
        The low and high temperature limits for reli-                         loads
        able operation, indicated by the green zone   considerations when
        in diagram 4, page 117, are:       selecting a grease
                                                                              For bearings subjected to a load ratio
        • low temperature performance limit (LTPL),   Verify the lubrication condition,   C/P < 4, the calculated relubrication interval
          deined as the temperature at which                                  may be so short that it dictates the use of
          grease no longer shows suficient oil bleed   consider EP/AW additives  continuous relubrication or oil lubrication
          as measured in DIN 51817  The LTPL
            values for roller bearings are provided in   The lubrication condition, κ, is evaluated by   Miscibility with other greases
          diagram 5, page 117. The LTPL values for   using the base oil viscosity as described in
          ball bearings are approximately 20 °C   Lubrication condition – the viscosity ratio, κ,   If it becomes necessary to change from one
          (35 °F) lower                    page 102  In the lubrication condition   grease type to another, consider the miscib-
        • high temperature performance limit   domain deined by κ below 1, EP/AW addi-  ility of the greases and their ability to be
          (HTPL), determined by the SKF R0F   tives are recommended           mixed without adverse effects (table 6 and
          grease life test                   EP/AW additives of the sulphur-phospho-  table 7)  If incompatible greases are mixed,
                                           rus type, which are the most commonly used   the consistency of the grease mix can change
        Within these two limits, the grease fulils its   today, may also have a negative inluence on   dramatically such that bearing damage
        function reliably and the relubrication interval   the fatigue life of the bearings  This is because   because of severe leakage could result  Note
        or grease life is predictable  Because the   in the presence of humidity, which can never   that PTFE-thickened greases are not com-
        deinition of the temperature performance   be completely avoided, sulphur and phos-  patible with other grease types
        limits is not standardized internationally,   phorus acids are produced which induce a
        care must be taken when interpreting data   more aggressive chemical process at the   Miscibility with preservation oils
        from grease suppliers other than SKF   rolling contact  This effect increases with
          At temperatures above the high tempera-  temperature and, for temperatures above   The preservative oils with which SKF bear-
        ture performance limit (HTPL), grease   80 °C (175 °F), a lubricant with EP/AW addi-  ings are treated are compatible with the
        degrades with increasing rapidity  Therefore,   tives should only be used after careful testing    majority of lubricating greases, with the
        temperatures in the amber zone, between   SKF greases have been tested and can be   exception of synthetic luorinated oil based
        the high temperature performance limit   used above 80 °C (175 °F) until the HTPL is   greases using a PTFE thickener, for example,
        (HTPL) and the high temperature limit   reached                       SKF LGET 2 grease  For PTFE-thickened
        (HTL), should only be allowed to occur for                            greases, the bearing preservatives must be
        very short periods                 Low speeds                         removed before applying the grease  White
          An amber zone also exists for low temper-
                                                                              spirit is recommended as a solvent  Make
    Lubrication  atures, between the low temperature limit   Bearings that operate at very low to low   sure all remnants of solvent have evaporated
        (LTL) and the low temperature performance
                                                                              and then immediately apply the grease
                                           speeds (table 4, page 116) under heavy
                                           loads should be lubricated with a grease that
        limit (LTPL)  In this zone, the temperatures
                                           additives  The thickener should contribute to
        The width of the amber zone depends on the
    B.4   are too low to provide suficient oil bleeding    has a high viscosity base oil containing EP
                                           the surface separation  Suficient oil bleeding  Assessing the
        grease type and bearing type  Serious
          damage can result when the bearings are   should assure oil replenishment during   suitability of non-
        operated continuously below the LTPL    operation
        Short periods in this zone, such as during a   Solid additives, such as graphite or molyb-  SKF greases
        cold start, are generally not harmful because   denum disulide (MoS ), should be considered
        the heat caused by friction brings the bearing   for a speed factor nd  < 20 000 mm/min    Greases from suppliers other than SKF must
        temperature into the green zone    SKF LGEV2 is successfully used up to   be approved by the supplier  Use diagram 6,
                                           nd  = 80 000                       page 120, to evaluate the temperature per-
                                                                              formance and grease life prediction  Where
                                                                              relevant, take into account the considerations
                                                                              speciied for SKF greases

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