Page 56 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 56
SKF bearing housings – overview, selection and application recommendations
Inspection and condition Storage
SKF housings, roller bearing units and associ-
SKF housings and roller bearing units should ated components, including the seals, should
be inspected regularly for damage and lubri- be stored under controlled temperature and
cant leaks. SKF also recommends a visual in- humidity conditions in a clean, dry environ-
spection of the seals, plugs, bolts and housing ment. Variations in temperature and humidity
joints. The frequency of these inspections de- should be avoided but gradual, seasonal vari-
pends on the operating conditions and poten- ations of a gradual nature are acceptable. As a
tial downtime consequences but should be general rule, SKF recommends the following
done as part of a regularly scheduled main- storage conditions:
ten ance program.
Where oil bath lubrication is used, the oil • temperature: < 30 °C (< 85 °F) for long-term
level should be monitored regularly. During storage
operation, the oil level may drop below the • relative humidity: < 60%
minimum level. If that should happen, and oil • If peaks above 65% occur regularly, a
needs to be added while the machine is run- dehumidifier is required.
ning, keep the oil level well below the max- • temperature fluctuation: max. 3 °C / 48 hours
imum oil level on the indicator or overfilling
can result. Under these conditions, housings can be stored
For additional information about inspection for up to 10 years. Roller bearing units should
techniques and corrective maintenance ac- not be subjected to vibration during storage as
tions, refer to the SKF bearing maintenance this could cause false brinelling damage to the
handbook. bearing. Depending on the actual storage con-
SKF also recommends monitoring the con- ditions, the lubricating properties of the initial
dition of all bearings on a regular or continuous grease fill might deteriorate. Generally SKF
basis to detect early signs of bearing damage. roller bearing units should not be stored for
Trending the condition of the bearing makes more than 3 years.
it possible to analyze the root cause of an im-
pending failure, and plan for corrective action.
Trending can also eliminate unplanned down-
time. The most reliable way to do condition
monitoring is through vibration analysis.
Vibration analysis
Many SKF housings are prepared for condition
monitoring and are supplied with drilled and
tapped holes to accommodate sensors. For
other housings, dimples indicate the position
where sensors can be located. For information
about the condition monitoring possibilities for
a particular housing type, refer to the relevant
product chapter.
SKF has a comprehensive assortment of
vibration detection, analysis and diagnostic
products, from light hand-held instruments
to fully integrated monitoring systems. For
add itional information, refer to the product
information available online at