Page 61 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 61
Designation system for SNL plummer (pillow) block housings
_SNL_ 518-615 SN
Prefixes for bolt holes
_ Two oblong cast holes for attachment bolts
F Four oblong cast holes for attachment bolts
S No holes for attachment bolts ( drilled holes can be supplied)
SNL Standard plummer block housing
_ Grey cast iron
D Spheroidal graphite cast iron
Size identification
2(00) Housing for bearings on a cylindrical seat, diameter series 2
3(00) Housing for bearings on a cylindrical seat, diameter series 3
5(00) Housing for bearings on an adapter sleeve, diameter series 2
6(00) Housing for bearings on an adapter sleeve, diameter series 3
..(00) Size code of the bearing, (00) ¥ 5 = bearing bore diameter [mm]
Suffixes 1)
V Grease escape hole in the housing base
TURU Housing prepared for oil lubrication, including seals
T Drilled and tapped hole 1/4-28 UNF at one side of the housing cap to lubricate a seal.
Grease fitting AH 1/4-28 SAE-LT supplied with the housing
TD Drilled and tapped hole 1/4-28 UNF at both sides of the housing cap to lubricate the seals.
Two grease fittings AH 1/4-28 SAE-LT supplied with the housing
SN Drilled and tapped M8 hole for sensor in position 3 († fig. 16, page 83)
/MS1 Two drilled holes for attachment bolts
/MS2 Four drilled holes for attachment bolts
1) When multiple suffixes are used, they are listed in the same order as shown here.