Page 52 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 52
SKF bearing housings – overview, selection and application recommendations
Oil levellers Centralized lubrication systems
SKF oil levellers LAHD 500 († fig. 19) and The SKF Multilube pumping unit († fig. 22) is
LAGH 1000 are designed to automatically a compact, all-in-one unit for lubricating indi-
adj u st the oil level in a bearing housing. The vidual machines and equipment. Designed for
levellers allow the oil level to be adjusted dur- indoor and outdoor use, the unit is suitable for
ing operation, optimizing machine perform- all pumpable oils and greases and can be used
ance and increasing the service life of the in single line, dual line and progressive lubri-
bearings. The transparent container enables cation systems.
the oil level to be inspected.
Circulating oil lubrication concept
Adapters to change connection threads Oil circulation lubrication is needed in appli-
The assortment of adapters in the LAPN cations where the lubrication point (bearing)
series († fig. 20) are available, to convert, must be cooled while lubricated. An oil circula-
for example, from a 1/8 – 27 NPSF thread tion system consists of a pumping station with
to a G 1/4 thread. a large oil reservoir and oil flow meters.
SKF Flowline reservoir († fig. 23) is round
Caps and tags for grease fittings in shape and the plate construction inside
TLAC 50 caps and tags provide a space to improves the oil movement so much, that the
properly identify the lubrication point(s) on a efficiency is over 90%. This means, the reser-
bearing housing as well as protect the grease voir size can be reduced even down to 1/3 of
fittings from the ingress of contaminants the traditional reservoir and still the real
(† fig. 21). The labels can also be used in retention time of the oil is the same or better.
conjunction with the SKF Lubrication Planner. Plate construction makes water and air sep-
aration very effective and the oil remains in
very good condition, which means longer
bearing life.
Fig. 19 Fig. 20