Page 162 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 162

Split plummer block housings SNLN 30 series

             Housing material                    Housing variants
             SNLN 30 housings are made of grey cast iron.
                                                 In addition to standard design SNLN 30 hous-
             Paint, corrosion protection         ings, a number of variants are also available.
             SNLN 30 housings are painted black   Variants include housings made of different
             (RAL 9005) using a water based alkyd/acryl   materials, alternative attachment bolt hole
             paint. The paint protects the housing in   configurations, different bearing seat toler-
             accordance with ISO 12944-2, corrosivity   ance classes and modifications for special
               category C2 (i.e. exterior atmospheres with   applications.
             low level of pollution, interior atmospheres
             where condensation may occur). The paint is
             not affected by most lubricating or engine oils,   Housing material
             cutting fluids or alkalescent washing chemicals.   For applications where extra strength is needed,
             Housings can be repainted with most water   SNLN 30 housings are also available in sphe-
             or solvent based 1- or 2-component paints.  roidal graphite cast iron. These housings are
               Unpainted surfaces are protected by a   supplied with a solid base, designation
               solventless rust inhibitor.       SSNLND.

             Dimension standards                 Attachment bolt holes
             Boundary dimensions are in accordance with   SNLN 30 plummer block housings can be
             ISO 113 for two-bolt plummer block housings.    supplied with the following bolt hole config-
             SNLN 30 plummer block housings are dimen-  •  four drilled holes
             sionally interchangeable with the earlier SN 30   These variants are available for housings
             housings.                             with two cast bolt holes, designation SNLN,
                                                   and for housings made of spheroidal graph-
                                                   ite cast iron with a solid base, designation
                                                    Dimensions are listed in table 1. These
                                                   housings have the designation suffix /MS2.
                                                 •  two drilled holes
                                                   These variants are available for housings
                                                   made of spheroidal graphite cast iron with
                                                   a solid base, designation SSNLND.
                                                    Dimensions are listed in table 1. These
                                                   housings have the designation suffix /MS1.

                                                 Bearing seat tolerance
                                                 SNLN 30 housings can be supplied with differ-
                                                 ent bearing seat tolerance classes, e.g. for
                                                 applications prone to vibration, with rotating
                                                 outer ring load or for applications operating
                                                 at high temperatures.
                                                   For additional information, contact the SKF
                                                 application engineering service.

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