Page 96 - Rollingbearings
P. 96

B.3  Bearing size
        Life modiication                     a large life modiication factor a SKF  and a
        factor, a   SKF                      limited basic rating life L , the impact of
                                             variations in operating conditions should
                                             be evaluated in a sensitivity analysis.
        The life modiication factor a SKF  expands the   • Area C is where the life modiication factor
        scope of the basic rating life model, L ,   is less sensitive to changes.
        which depends purely on load and size, by   Deviations from estimated load level,
        taking the following important operational   cleanliness factor and lubrication condi-
        factors into account:                tions (for example, from uncertainties in
                                             temperature) will not substantially affect
        • the fatigue load limit in relation to the act-  the value of a SKF , which means the result-
          ing bearing equivalent load (P /P)  ing SKF rating life is more robust.
        • the effect of the contamination level in the   In the load level domain, area C has the
          bearing (η )                       ranges:
        • the lubrication condition (viscosity ratio κ)    – P  ≤ P ≤ 0,5 C for ball bearings
                                                – P  ≤ P ≤ 0,33 C for roller bearings
        This makes the resulting SKF rating life,
        L 10m , more encompassing than L  when   Use the schematic a SKF  graph to evaluate
        verifying bearing size selection:   how changes to operational conditions
                               p                          would affect the life modiication factor. This
        L nm  =  a  a  L  =  a  a  qCw     can help you check whether a potential ben-
              1 SKF  10    1 SKF  ——
                                                   <Pz  eit is worth the effort. For example, you can
                                           see how:
        A graph for estimating a SKF  is shown in
        diagram 8. The horizontal axis represents   • improved cleanliness (better sealing, iltra-
        the combined inluence of load and contami-  tion and assembly conditions) increases
        nation on fatigue. The viscosity ratio, κ, rep-  the contamination factor η c
        resents the lubrication conditions and their   • cooling or using a lubricant with higher
        inluence on fatigue.                 viscosity increases the viscosity ratio κ
          Use diagram 8 to see how operating con-  • choosing a larger bearing size increases
                                             the ratio P /P (and the basic rating life L )
        ditions affect the basic rating life:  • using SKF Explorer bearings allows a   10
    Bearing size  • Area A is dominated by very high load   more favourable scale on the horizontal
                                             axis for the combined effect of the η  times
          and/or severe indentations.
            The lubricating conditions in this
                                             P /P
          expected fatigue life, so a potential life
    B.3   domain can only marginally improve the   The following graphs show plots of the life
                                           modiication factor a
          improvement depends on what dominates
                                                             for the four bearing
          the relationship between the contamina-  types, as a function of η (P /P), for SKF
          tion level and the load level P /P. To   Explorer and SKF basic design bearings, and
          achieve a greater SKF rating life, either the   for different values of the viscosity ratio κ:
          load must be reduced, or the cleanliness
          must be improved, or both.       • diagram 9, page 96: radial ball bearings
        • Area B offers high life modiication factors,   • diagram 10, page 97: radial roller
          which is beneicial because a large life   bearings
          modiication value will convert a low basic   • diagram 11, page 98: thrust ball bearings  NOTE
          rating life suficiently to produce a large   • diagram 12, page 99: thrust roller   The graphs in diagram 9, 10, 11 and 12
          SKF rating life.                    bearings                          are plotted for values and safety factors
            In this part of the graph, small devia-                             typically associated with fatigue load
          tions from estimated load level, cleanli-                             limits for other mechanical components.
          ness factor and lubrication conditions will                           Considering the simpliications inherent
          greatly affect the life modiication factor.                           in the SKF rating life equation, even if
          Small changes to lubricating conditions,                              the operating conditions are accurately
          slightly higher loading and larger indenta-                           identiied, it is not meaningful to use
          tion severity (for example, from mounting                             values of a SKF  in excess of 50.
          or transport damage) may result in a
          change in a SKF  from 50 to 5. This would
          result in a 90% loss of SKF rating life. In
          cases where the SKF rating life consists of

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