Page 255 - Y-bearing-units
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Bearing designs SKF Food Line Y-bearing units with
SKF Food Line Y-bearing units with composite coated cast iron housings
housings are available with Y-bearings made of
stainless steel (YAR 2-2RF/HV series) or of high Strong and corrosion resistant
quality carbon chromium steel with zinc coated Strength, durability and long-term corrosion
inner and outer rings (YAR 2-2RF/VE495 series). resistance make coated cast iron SKF housings
an ideal choice for red meat, pork and poultry
processing applications.
SKF Food Line Y-bearing units with The heavy-duty cast iron is protected with a
stainless steel housings CrVl-free zinc coating on all housing surfaces for
long-term corrosion resistance. The zinc coating
Extreme strength and toughness eliminates the flaking problems associated with
For extremely challenging food and beverage nickel plated products.
applications requiring superior durability and
chemical resistance, housings cast from Chemical resistance – These zinc coated hous-
AISI 300 stainless steel may be the best solution. ings are resistant to the majority of common
washdown solutions.
Strength – Y-bearing housings are designed for
applications where very heavy loads or shock Housing designs
loads are possible. Coated cast iron SKF FL Y-bearing housings are
Safety – In applications where housing failure available in the following designs:
could result in injury, the safety factor inherent • plummer blocks
in cast steel is an advantage. • two- or four-bolt flange (oval or square shape)
Chemical resistance – Compared to composite • tapped base
and zinc coated cast iron housings, cast stainless
steel offers a higher level of resistance to Bearing designs
aggressive washdown chemicals. Cast stainless SKF Food Line Y-bearing units with coated cast
housings are not affected by strong concentra- iron housings are available with Y-bearings
tions of chlorine, hydrogen peroxide or other made of high quality carbon chromium steel
chemicals. with zinc coated inner and outer rings (YAR
Smooth surfaces – The smooth surfaces of cast 2-2RF/VE495 series).
SKF stainless steel housings make them easier
to clean.The bases are machined flat with no
recesses to trap debris and bacteria, and the End covers
exposed surfaces have no unnecessary crevices
or pockets. Secure fit, operator safety
To enhance worker safety, SKF recommends
Housing designs using end covers in any situation where a shaft
Stainless steel SKF Food Line Y-bearing housings protrudes from a housing and is not otherwise 7
are available in the following designs († fig. 2): safely and adequately guarded. Special End
Covers, types ECW and ECL, are available for all
• plummer block SKF Food Line Y-bearing units and must be
• two- and four-bolt flange (oval or square ordered separately.
• tapped base Detailed information about SKF end covers can
be found in the publication SKF Food Line
Bearing designs Y-bearing units – a maintenance-free solution
SKF Food Line Y-bearing units with stainless for wet, abrasive and contaminating environ-
steel housings are available with Y-bearings ments or in the product information available
made of stainless steel (YAR 2-2RF/HV series). online at