Page 40 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 40
SKF bearing housings – overview, selection and application recommendations
Environmental conditions Sealing solutions
SKF housings are intended for both interior The performance of a sealing arrangement is
and exterior applications. The following vital to the cleanliness of the lubricant and the
corrosivity categories, in accordance with service life of the bearings. The type of seal
ISO 12944-2, are applicable for SKF housings: should be selected based on the lubricant type
and operating speed but levels of contamin-
• C2 for all housings except SE and SED ation and misalignment should also be
plummer (pillow) block housings considered.
• C3 for SE and SED plummer (pillow) block There is a wide assortment of SKF housing
housings seals. Some housings can accommodate
different types of seals, while other housings
Additional information about corrosivity are designed for one specific sealing solution.
categories is provided in table 6. For information about the sealing solutions
available for a particular housing or roller
bearing unit, refer to tables 1 to 4, starting
Custom painting / corrosivity category on page 30, or the relevant product chapter.
The standard colour and corrosivity category of The properties, application conditions and
an SKF housing is indicated in the relevant prod- suitability of each sealing solution are also
uct chapter. SKF housings can also be supplied provided in the relevant product chapter.
in other colours and/or corrosivity categories
(† table 6) or according to customer specifica- Converting circumferential to rotational speeds
tions. Housings that have a non-standard To convert the circumferential speed limit of
painting requirement are identified by the a sealing solution to the equivalent rotational
designation suffix P followed by a unique two- speed, refer to table 7.
or three-digit number e.g. SNL 510-608/P76.
If a housing is going to be repainted, SKF
recommends taking the following precautions
prior to painting:
• Cover all housing openings. For housings
with seal grooves, place discs cut from
cardboard or plastic in the seal grooves.
This is particularly important because re-
sidual chemicals or abrasives from the
preparation process can lead to premature
bearing and seal damage.
• Remove all grease fittings and protect all
threaded holes with plugs.
• To avoid any chemical attack of the surface
when washing painted castings, follow the
instructions from the supplier of the washing
chemicals regarding concentration, tem-
perature, and time. The paint is resistant
to commonly used low alkalescent washing