Page 152 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 152
Split plummer block housings SE 2, 3, 5 and 6 series
Housing material P roduct data
SE plummer block housings are made of an
improved grade of grey cast iron compared to SE plummer (pillow) block housings supersede
SNL housings. SNL plummer (pillow) block housings for sizes
507 up to and including 515-612. Technical
Paint, corrosion protection data for SE housings, such as hole, groove and
SE plummer block housings are painted black dowel pin dimensions, shaft end lengths, loads,
(RAL 9005) using a water based alkyd/acryl initial grease fills, and bolt torques, is included
paint. The paint protects the housing in in the data tables in the chapter on SNL hous-
accordance with ISO 12944-2, corrosivity ings († Split plummer block housings SNL 2, 3,
category C3 (i.e. exterior atmospheres with a 5 and 6 series, starting on page 55).
moderate level of pollution; coastal areas with The product tables for SE housings are
low salinity; inter ior atmospheres with high also included in the chapter on SNL housings
humidity and some air pollution). It is not († page 86). When in doubt, contact the SKF
affected by most lubricating or engine oils, application engineering service.
cutting fluids or alkalescent washing chemicals.
Housings can be repainted with most water or
solvent based 1- or 2-component paints.
Unpainted surfaces are protected by a solv-
entless rust inhibitor.
Dimension standards
Boundary dimensions are in accordance with
ISO 113 for two-bolt plummer block housings.
SE plummer block housings in the 2, 3, 5 and
6 series are dimensionally interchangeable
with housings in the SNL 2, 3, 5 and 6 series
and former plummer block housings in the SN,
SNA and SNH series.