Page 149 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 149

Standard housing design

           Dimples to locate accessories                                    Fig. 5
           Dimples cast into the housing cap indicate   Dimples indicate positions for accessories
           where grease fittings and condition monitor-                                 3
           ing sensors can be mounted for best results
           († fig. 5).
           Simpler mounting
           The grease fitting kit contains torque values
           for the cap bolts and data for initial grease fills.
            To simplify mounting and make alignment
           more accurate, lines indicating the centre of
           the bearing seat and housing bore axis are
           cast into the housing base. Dimples indicate
           the position for dowel pins († fig. 6). Mount-
           ing instructions are supplied with each seal
           Simpler maintenance
           SE housings have a pry slot between the cap                      Fig. 6
           and base to ease removal of the cap during   Cast indications mark the centre of the housing bore and
           dismounting († fig. 4).              bearing seat

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