Page 142 - Rollingbearings
P. 142

Bearing interfaces

        B 6  Bearing interfaces

                                           The ISO tolerance  Selecting its
        Bearing seats on shafts and in housings, and
        components which locate a bearing axially,
        have a signiicant impact on bearing perfor-  system
        mance  To fully exploit the load carrying abil-                       Fits can be selected by following the recom-
        ity of a bearing, its rings or washers should                         mendations for bearing seat diameter toler-
        be fully supported around their complete   Fits for rolling bearings are typically speciied   ances (Seat tolerances for standard condi-
        circumference and across the entire width of   with standard tolerance classes for holes and   tions, page 148)  These recommendations
        the raceway  Bearing seats should be manu-  shafts as described in ISO 286-2  As bear-  will provide adequate solutions for the
        factured to adequate geometrical and   ings are typically manufactured to ISO toler-  majority of applications  However, they do
        dimensional tolerances and be uninter-  ances (Tolerances, page 36), the selection of   not cover all details of a speciic application
        rupted by grooves, holes or other features   the tolerance class for the bearing seat   and so you may ind that adjustments may
          In this section you can ind recommenda-  determines the it  The position and width of   be necessary  When selecting its, you should
        tions and requirements for designing bear-  the tolerance intervals of commonly used   consider the following topics
        ing interfaces, including:         tolerance classes relative to the bearing bore
    Bearing interfaces  • criteria when selecting bearing its  trated in ig. 1, which is valid for bearings
                                           and outside diameter tolerances are illus-
        • recommended its for standard conditions
                                           with Normal tolerances and of medium size
                                           It is important to note that the ISO tolerance
        • tables to help determine minimum, max-
                                           classes for rolling bearings and for holes and
          imum and probable values of clearance or
                                           shafts are different  The tolerances for each
          interference between the bearing and its
                                           You should therefore select the respective
    B.6   • recommendations for specifying geomet-  size vary over the full range of actual sizes
          rical tolerances of bearing seats
                                           tolerance classes for bearing seats based on
        • recommendations for the axial support of   the actual bearing size for your application
          bearing rings
        • further design considerations for bearing

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