Page 90 - Y-bearing-units
P. 90
RS1 seals Fig. 17
Y-bearings with a standard inner ring, 17262(00)-
2RS1 and 17263(00)-2RS1 series, are equipped
with the RS1 contact seal developed for stand-
ard SKF deep groove ball bearings († fig. 17).
These seals, which are made from oil and wear
resistant acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR),
are reinforced with a pressed sheet steel insert
and seal against the cylindrical surface of the
inner ring shoulder.
LS8 seals
Y-bearings with a hexagonal bore, series YHB 2
and YHC 2, are equipped with LS8 contact seals
(† fig. 18). These seals, which are made from
acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), are rein-
forced with a pressed sheet steel insert and seal
against the cylindrical surface of the inner ring Fig. 18
Y-bearings are also available with shields
(† fig. 19), which are identified by the desig-
nation suffix VP076.
Pressed steel shields are used in temper ature
or speed sensitive applications where additional
friction is not desirable. In applications where
shielded bearings are used, contamination
should not be severe and water, steam or mois-
ture should not be able to enter the bearing.
Permissible operating temperatures
for seals
Contact seals can be used at operating tempera- Fig. 19
tures between –30 and +100 °C. Temperatures
up to 120 °C are also possible for brief periods,
but might have a negative effect on the service
life of the grease.