Page 16 - SKF-bearing-housings
P. 16
The latest developments
The latest innovations within the area of SKF
bearing housings include:
SE series housings – new housings in accordance
with ISO 113
SE plummer block housings supersede
SNL plummer block housings in the 2, 3, 5 and
6 series, and are available in corresponding
sizes, from size 507 up to 515-612. From size
516-613, SNL plummer block housings in the
2, 3, 5 and 6 series remains.
SE series housing
SED series housings – largest housings in the
standard range
Split housings for bearings with shaft diam-
eters from 430 mm up to 900 mm were typi-
cally not standard. A new design concept
makes it possible to supply these exceptionally
large housings as standard († Split plummer
block housings – SED 30, 31, 32 and 39 series,
page 331).
Housings for sealed spherical roller bearings
Sealed spherical roller bearings have been
proven to enhance reliability under arduous
operating conditions. Consequently, the SKF
bearing housing assortment includes housings
for these bearings.
Roller bearing units with SKF ConCentra locking
Like bearing units with a locking collar, SKF SED series housing
ConCentra roller bearing units are simple and
safe to install. The unique SKF ConCentra
locking technology provides a truly concentric
fit on the shaft, which virtually eliminates
fretting corrosion. These units provide the
same running accuracy as housing assemblies
with sleeve-mounted bearings. († Metric
roller bearing units – SYNT and FYNT series,
page 659 or Inch roller bearing units – SYE,
SYR, FYE and FYR series, page 691).
Roller bearing unit with SKF
ConCentra locking technology