Page 63 - Rollingbearings
P. 63
SKF support Supporting calculation tools
SKF application engineering In the early stages of the application analysis
and design process, bearing selection is ini-
service tially made using various assumptions and,
as the process progresses, additional input is
The SKF application engineering service included to ine tune results
provides expertise to help and support you SKF can support you throughout this
with your technical needs. process with our engineering software tools
Drawing on a wealth of experience, and (Engineering software tools, page 63), rang-
supported by a global network of experts in ing from easy-to-use online tools, based on
a wide range of industries, local SKF applica- formulae provided in this catalogue, to our
tion engineers work with original equipment most sophisticated simulation systems
manufacturers and end users to help and incorporating the latest theories
support them with their challenges. SKF is constantly developing its engineer-
Following a step-by-step application ing software tools for SKF engineers and Bearing selection process
analysis process, and using SKF online and customers to support them in obtaining
proprietary calculation tools, SKF application solutions that are technically, commercially
engineers can evaluate correct bearing type and environmentally optimal
and size, and other requirements such as
lubrication, its and sealing, in order to Online tools
obtain the right application solution and
achieve reliable rotating equipment The SKF online engineering tools (Engineering B
performance software tools, page 63) provide functional-
Contact the SKF application engineering ity to:
service through your local SKF representative
if you have any questions, or require any • search for bearing data based on designa-
assistance, when using the bearing selection tion or dimensions
process guidelines or information in the • calculate many useful bearing and appli-
product sections cation related parameters, including bearing
basic rating life, SKF rating life, minimum
load limit, shaft/housing tolerances and
its, relubrication intervals
• evaluate simple bearing arrangements
• generate drawings of bearings and hous-
ings that can be used in most commercially
available CAD programs